Elm Calculator Part 9 - Combination Key Input

May 8, 2020 ยท 2 minute read

This post is part of a series. If you wish to support my work you can purchase the PDF book on gumroad.

This project uses Elm version 0.19

Users can press backspace to delete a single digit. How would we allow the user to clear the whole input area? Or clear the whole stack?

We'll provide a keyboard combination to support this. So we can allow users to press CTRL + BACKSPACE and it would clear the input box and CTRL + SHIFT + BACKSPACE would clear the whole stack.

We have already done the hard work in the previous chapter. We need to tweak our update function to check for CTRL + SHIFT or just CTRL before we check the other keys.

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        HandleKeyboardEvent event ->
            if event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey then
                case event.keyCode of
                    KK.Backspace ->
                        update ClearAll model

                    _ ->
                        ( model, Cmd.none )

            else if event.ctrlKey then
                case event.keyCode of
                    KK.Backspace ->
                        update Clear model

                    _ ->
                        ( model, Cmd.none )
                case event.keyCode of
                    KK.Multiply ->

And that's it. We now have key combos.

The next chapter will cover testing. We will write a test using elm-test and elm-program-test to verify our calculator.