Python Script a Java Web Application

June 4, 2019 · 3 minute read

In this post I am going to describe my process for providing a simple way to run scripts on a web application. I work on a fairly mature Java web application and writing a web front end for every administration task can be tedious and take too much time.

These tasks might be to generate a report for the client or do some complicated data migration. The script could also allow you to inspect some data and then create a response to send back to the server.

This approach also has the added benefit of being able to cache all my taken actions. This way I can run a report or do a data migration on our staging environment and then use the cached version on production. No need to do the same thing twice.

Grab Your Auth Token

You will need to grab your session id or whatever authentication token your app uses. You could write a client that logs in using your credentials but I wanted to keep things simple. Here is what I grab for our application:

Grab the JSESSIONID in the network tools

The Script

Copy and paste the auth ID into the script below. You may need to change the cookie or header depending on your application authentication strategy.

import requests

# grab this from the browser network tools

  'Cookie': f'JSESSIONID={SESSION_ID};',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8080' # or '
ENDPOINT = '/api/v1/some/endpoint'

def main():
  res = requests.get(BASE_URL + ENDPOINT, cookies=COOKIES, headers=HEADERS)

  # make some JSON thing to update server endpoint
  data = {'some': 'data'}
  res = requests.put(f'{BASE_URL}{ENDPOINT}', data=json.dumps(data), cookies=COOKIES, headers=HEADERS)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Pretty Print the JSON Response

Pretty print of the response is helpful when debugging these scripts.

def prettyPrint(r):
  print("URL: ", BASE_URL + ENDPOINT)
  print("STATUS: ", r.status_code)
  parsed = json.loads(r.text)
  print(json.dumps(parsed, indent=4))

Pickle Actions

If you want to rerun your script with the same actions you took previously, you should stash your responses in a dictionary and then fetch them in subsequent runs.

The pickle module is perfect for this.

The pickle module implements binary protocols for serializing and de-serializing a Python object structure.

What this means is that you can save off any python object and retrieve it for later.

import pickle
import requests

def main():
  # declare the cached map global so you can use
  # throughout your script
  global CACHE_MAP

  # load the pickled actions on script startup 
  PICKLE_FILE = 'my.pickle'
    with open(PICKLE_FILE, 'rb') as fin:
      CACHE_MAP = pickle.load(fin)
    print(f'Loaded {PICKLE_FILE} file')
  except FileNotFoundError:
    print(f'No {PICKLE_FILE} file found')

  # resume script as before
  res = requests.get(BASE_URL + ENDPOINT, cookies=COOKIES, headers=HEADERS)
  if 'somekey' in CACHE_MAP.keys():
    data = CACH_MAP['somekey']
    data = {'some': 'data'}
    # cache the new data for later
    CACHE_MAP['somekey'] = data
    # update the pickle files
    with open(PICKLE_FILE, 'wb') as fout:
        pickle.dump(CACHE_MAP, fout)

  res = requests.put(f'{BASE_URL}{ENDPOINT}', data=json.dumps(data), cookies=COOKIES, headers=HEADERS)

if __name__ == "__main__":


I have found this to be a quick way to automate tasks that I previously needed a web front-end for. I have a handful of these scripts for generating reports and running one-off data migration tasks.